Do I need to supply a smoke alarm compliance certificate QLD when selling my property? NO – there is no legislative requirement to supply a smoke alarm compliance certificate QLD for wireless 10-year battery powered smoke alarms.
Smoke Alarm Compliance Certificate QLD And
Wireless 10-year Battery Powered Smoke Alarms
There is no law that says a smoke alarm compliance certificate QLD must be produced by the seller for wireless 10-year battery powered smoke alarms.
The Real Estate Institute of QLD (REIQ) is Queensland’s peak professional body for the real estate industry. Their fact sheet below states that the seller is not required to provide a compliance certificate.

What legislation does stipulate is that the seller must do the right thing and install compliant interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in all the prescribed locations as required.
When this is done, the seller must then disclose in writing to the buyer that compliant smoke alarms have been installed. This written disclosure is achieved by completing the relevant section in the two legal documents below.
The ‘Form 24’ (QLD Transfer Of Title Form)

The Contract Of Sale

Smoke Alarm Compliance Certificate QLD
And 240V Hardwired Smoke Alarms
The QLD Fire Department do state on their website however that hardwired interconnected smoke alarms require a Certificate of Testing and Compliance when selling. The certificate is provided by a licensed electrician and must certify that the 240V hardwired alarms are electrically safe – see below excerpt.

Want to do some further reading? Links to all official sources in this article are provided below:
Building Fire Safety (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2016
Lists all the prescribed locations for installation of smoke alarms as required by law. It also lists the prescribed ways of powering smoke alarms, and any additional smoke alarm compliance requirements.
Real Estate Institute of QLD (REIQ) contract FAQ fact sheet
REIQ state that the seller does not need to provide a smoke alarm compliance certificate to confirm the smoke alarms installed are compliant.
QLD Fire Department website (smoke alarm section – selling and leasing)
The QLD Fire Department state that when selling your property, 240V hardwired interconnected smoke alarms installed by a licensed electrician require a Certificate of Testing and Compliance.
Disclaimer: Information contained in this article is general in nature and should not be construed as legal advice. You should always seek the services of a legal professional when selling or purchasing a property.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN Smoke Alarm YouTube channel or call us on 0478 596 402 today
We love talking smoke alarms!
ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms
New Farm, QLD, 4005