4 Expert Insights Into Tasmanian Smoke Alarm Laws: What Do They Actually State?

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Laws In Tasmania

In Tasmania, all homes must be fitted with a working photoelectric smoke alarm on every level. Smoke alarms must be compliant with Australian Standard 3786:2014. Photoelectric smoke detectors need to be installed in every corridor or hallway associated with a bedroom, or if there is no corridor or hallway, in an area between the bedrooms and the remainder of the building. This is a requirement of the National Construction Code of Australia

Smoke Detectors In Properties Built After 1 August 1997

Homes built or substantially renovated after the 1st of August 1997 require 240V hardwired photoelectric smoke detectors, and there must be at least one smoke detector on each level.

Smoke Detectors In Properties Built After 1 May 2014

All properties built or substantially renovated after the 1st of May 2014 must have 240V hardwired photoelectric smoke detectors and be interconnected, so that when one activates, they all activate.

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Locations

Image courtesy Tasmania Fire Service

Residential Tenancy (Smoke Alarms) Regulations 2022

Photoelectric Smoke Detector Duties For Tasmanian Landlords (Rental Providers):

  • Ensure smoke detectors comply with Australian Standard 3786:2014.
  • Installed as per manufacture instructions and in accordance with recommended installed locations outlined in the National Construction Code (NCC).
  • The smoke detectors are regularly maintained, cleaned, tested and operational.
  • Replace the smoke detector every 10 years from manufacture date.
  • Replace any smoke detector as soon as possible after being made aware it is not defective.

Photoelectric Smoke Detector Duties For Tasmanian Tenants (Renters):

  • Ensure the smoke detectors are tested every at least every 6 months.
  • The smoke detector is clean and free from dust.
  • Inform the landlord / property manager as soon as they become aware that a smoke detector is defective.
  • Not remove or tamper with a smoke detector.

A direct link to the Tasmanian government website is posted below if you would like to read the full legislative documents for yourself.

Tasmanian Residential Tenancy (Smoke Alarms) Regulations 2022

National Construction Code

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN Smoke Alarm YouTube channel or call us on 0478 596 402 today

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ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005