Tag: photoelectric smoke alarms

Fire prevention and preparedness are paramount in your home. In addition to the early fire warning provided by your ZEN Smoke Alarms, there is another hero in the toolkit of safety measures: the humble ZEN fire blanket. This unassuming yet highly effective tool can make a significant difference in protecting both your home and loved ones in the event of a fire emergency.

ZEN Fire Blanket – Immediate Action, Minimal Effort!

Imagine a small kitchen fire erupts from a stovetop mishap – a greasy frypan suddenly ignites, sending panic through the air. This is when the ZEN fire blanket shines. Unlike a fire extinguisher that requires knowledge of operation and can potentially spread the fire if not used correctly, a fire blanket simply requires you to grab it and place it gently over the flames. The fire is quickly smothered as the blanket starves it of oxygen, effectively extinguishing it with minimal effort, and preventing it from spreading.

Fire Blankets Are Safe And Easy To Use

One of the greatest advantages of the ZEN fire blanket is its simplicity. Designed to be user-friendly even in stressful situations, it doesn’t involve any complex mechanisms or technical knowledge. Simply pull down on the quick-release tabs and the ZEN fire blanket slides out from its protective pouch and is ready to use. This makes it ideal for everyone in the household, including children and elderly family members who may find fire extinguishers intimidating or difficult to operate.

Versatility In Application

While commonly associated with kitchen fires, fire blankets are versatile and can be used in other various scenarios. They are effective not only on stovetop fires but also on BBQ fires or fires caused by accidents around the home. Having a fire blanket means you’re prepared for these unpredictable moments, giving you confidence in your ability to respond to emergencies. In addition to the kitchen, you may also consider installing a fire blanket in the following locations; outdoor BBQ area, caravan, garage, car, workshop, boat, home office, backyard shed, carport or granny flat.

Receive Your FREE ZEN Fire Blanket Today!

For a limited time, every ZEN photoelectric interconnected smoke alarm bundle pack purchased (5-pack, 7-pack, 10-pack) will automatically receive a free ZEN fire blanket (in addition to the bonus smoke alarm remote control). The ZEN fire blanket perfectly complements the ZEN photelectric smoke alarm range – level up your home protection today!

Peace Of Mind

A ZEN fire blanket provides peace of mind, additional to your ZEN interconnected smoke alarms. It’s a proactive step towards ensuring the safety of your household, and empowers you to take action in the face of a fire emergency. Knowing you have a fire blanket readily accessible helps alleviate anxiety and instills a sense of confidence that you’re prepared for the unexpected.

Fire Blanket Conclusion

Whilst we all hope to never face a fire emergency, preparedness is key to safeguarding our homes and loved ones. A ZEN fire blanket stands as a reliable ally in this mission, offering simplicity, effectiveness, and peace of mind—all packed into a compact, easily accessible tool. Consider adding a ZEN fire blanket to your ZEN interconnected smoke alarms arsenal; it’s a small investment that can yield invaluable protection when every second counts.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick start video or call us on 0478 596 402 today.

We love talking smoke alarms! (and fire blankets)

ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005

The rise in the cost of living across Australia, and in Queensland in particular, has become a pervasive concern for individuals and families alike. Relentlessly rising electricity costs, fuel, food and insurance premiums means less available disposable income. While financial strain is a well-known consequence, a lesser-known and equally pressing issue is the impact of these pressures on residential house fire safety.

As families tighten their budgets to meet basic needs, the temptation to cut corners on home maintenance and safety measures becomes more pronounced. One area where this compromise can have severe consequences is fire safety. Neglecting home fire safety, by not installing or maintaining interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms, can significantly elevate the risk of house fires and leave a family exposed. Faulty appliances, aging electrical panels, outdated wiring and cheap electrical gadgets are other examples of potential fire hazards that may be overlooked in the quest to trim expenses.

Home Fire Safety And The Cost Of Living

In a recent article published in Queensland’s The Courier Mail newspaper, University of Wollongong fire expert Dr Owen Price said the rising cost of living was likely affecting fire risk within homes as many of the steps people could take to protect themselves required money.

“A lot of people realise they are at risk, but they often don’t do anything about it and when cost of living comes in it’s often lowest on people’s priorities,” he said.

Cash strapped families also tended to live in cheaper, older housing, which was more vulnerable to fire, Dr Price said.

Older buildings with outdated fire prevention measures, such as a lack of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms, or inadequate escape routes can pose a serious threat to residents. In such cases, the cost of living pressures directly translate into compromised safety.

The stress induced by financial strains can also lead to behavioral changes that impact fire safety. Individuals working multiple jobs or long hours may be more prone to fatigue, increasing the likelihood of negligence in daily tasks such as turning off stoves or unplugging electrical devices. Additionally, the inability to afford quality appliances and heating equipment may force individuals to resort to makeshift solutions, elevating the risk of electrical fires.

Install Interconnected Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

To mitigate these risks, it is crucial for individuals facing cost of living pressures to prioritize fire safety. This includes installing and maintaining interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms, performing regular checks of electrical systems, investing in quality appliances and avoiding cheap knock offs, and staying vigilant about potential hazards. ZEN photoelectric smoke alarms have a 10-year long life battery which never needs to be replaced – this provides a cost saving over conventional 9v battery powered smoke alarms which require new batteries to be purchased every year. ZEN interconnected fire alarm bundle packs also include a free remote control – another cost saving from having to purchase the remote control separately. Free shipping is also provided for ZEN photoelectric smoke alarm bundle pack purchases.

Public awareness campaigns and community initiatives can further emphasize the importance of fire safety in the face of financial challenges, ensuring that individuals and families can navigate these pressures without compromising their well-being.

Free Safehome Fire Safety Initiative

The QLD Fire Department’s ‘Safehome’ initiative is a free service provided in the interest of developing a safer Queensland community. Firefighters will visit your QLD home at no cost and advise you on correct positioning of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms and discuss any other fire related safety concerns. Contact the Queensland Fire Department for further information and to make a booking.

Interconnected Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Discount

Please feel free to use our discount coupon code GDAY$10 during the online checkout process to help offset the cost of your next purchase of ZEN interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms. Conditions apply.


By fostering a culture of awareness and not neglecting preventative measures such as interconnected fire alarms, we can ensure that the cost of living crisis doesn’t come at the expense of our most precious asset – our safety and well-being. As Queenslanders, let us renew our commitment to safeguarding homes from the silent threat of fire that lurks within the shadows of the cost of living crisis.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick start video or call us on 0478 596 402 today

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005

An interconnected photoelectric smoke alarm is a life saving appliance that is designed to alert occupants of a fire and give them time to evacuate safely, and as such, it is a crucial component of QLD home safety. But have you ever wondered how a photoelectric smoke alarm is manufactured to to meet the highest standards of quality and safety? Manufacturers of a photoelectric smoke alarm must ensure their products are safe, reliable, and effective – this is where an ISO 9001 Quality Management System comes into play!

What is an ISO 9001 Quality Management System? (QMS)

ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management systems. It provides a framework for organizations to establish and maintain systems that ensure consistent product quality. ISO 9001 is an important indicator of a company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction – it covers all aspects of an organization’s operations, including design, development, production, delivery, and support. Has your interconnected photoelectric smoke alarm come from an ISO 9001 accredited facility? (our ZEN Smoke Alarms do!).

Photoelectric Smoke Alarms and ISO 9001 Quality

The commercial production of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms involves sourcing high-quality materials, assembling the components, and then testing the finished product for quality and safety. ISO 9001 requires manufacturers to establish and document clear processes for sourcing these materials and assembling the product, as well as procedures for testing and inspecting the final product.

Testing is a crucial part of the manufacturing process for photoelectric smoke alarms. ISO 9001 requires manufacturers to establish rigorous testing procedures to ensure that every device meets the required safety standard (Australian Standard 3786:2014). This includes testing for sensitivity to smoke, false alarms, and battery life.

ISO 9001 Accreditation = Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Quality

ISO 9001 certification also requires manufacturers to continuously monitor and improve their processes to ensure consistent product quality. This involves regularly reviewing and analyzing data to identify areas for improvement, and implementing changes to optimize the manufacturing process.

Manufacturers must also have processes in place to ensure that the photoelectric smoke alarm is delivered to customers safely and effectively. This means that the smoke alarms are packaged correctly and that they arrive at their destination without damage. Manufacturers must also ensure that customers can install and use the interconnected photoelectric smoke alarm correctly.

ISO 9001 Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Summary

Manufacturing interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms is a complex process that requires precision, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality and safety. ISO 9001 accreditation plays a crucial role in ensuring that every step of the process is documented, monitored, and continuously improved to meet the highest standards of quality and safety. By choosing a photoelectric smoke alarm manufacturer that is ISO 9001 accredited, you can have confidence that the interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in your home are of the highest quality and will provide reliable protection for years to come.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick start video or call us on 0478 596 402 today

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005

On February 17, 2023, the Standards Australia Committee published a new Australian Standard for smoke alarms, known as Australian Standard 3786:2023. This standard replaces the previous version, Australian Standard 3786:2014. The superseding of standards is a common occurrence, as standards are regularly updated and amended over time. In the case of Australian Standard 3786, it has undergone multiple iterations since its initial release in 1990. This new standard has been introduced to ensure that Australian homes are equipped with the latest technology and guidelines for fire safety.

Why New Australian Smoke Alarm Standard 3786:2023?

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Technological Advancements

With the emergence of new smoke alarm technologies and the evolution of existing ones, it was necessary to update the standard to incorporate these changes. This ensures that the standard remains relevant and reflects the current technology available in the Australian market. For example, the new standard now includes provisions for interconnected smoke alarms and their remote control devices.

Safety Considerations

Safety is of utmost importance in this standard. As new fire risks are identified and existing ones are better understood, the standard has been updated to address these concerns. This involves providing clearer guidelines for the safe usage of smoke alarms and associated testing protocols.

International Harmonization

In a globalized world, harmonizing standards across different countries and regions is key for interoperability and mutual recognition of products. Australian Standard 3786:2023 has been aligned with the International Standard ISO 12239:2021 for smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light, or ionization.

Feedback And Continuous Improvement

The development of Australian Standard 3786:2023 was an iterative process that took into consideration feedback from users, stakeholders, and experts. Committee members involved in the development included the National Fire Industries Association, Australian Building Codes Board, Property Council of Australia, CSIRO, and the Fire Protection Association Australia.

Differences Between AS 3786:2023 And AS 3786:2014 ?

Recognition Of Combination And Multi-Criteria Smoke Alarms

The new standard acknowledges the introduction of smoke alarms that combine multiple sensors within a single housing, allowing for enhanced detection capabilities.

Inclusion Of Unrelated Sensors In Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

The new standard references the inclusion of sensors within smoke alarms that are unrelated to smoke detection. For example, a smoke alarm could now include a carbon monoxide sensor, creating a dual purpose product that is both a carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm. The new standard also introduces the use of heat alarms.

Additional Smoke Alarm Requirements

The new standard introduces new requirements for smoke alarms powered by mains household power, temporary disablement facilities, smoke alarms using radio frequency links, and assessment for wall-mounted smoke alarms. The standard also outlines additional information to be included in smoke alarm documentation.

Do I Need To Upgrade My Smoke Alarms Now So They Are

Compliant With Australian Standard 3786:2023?

No, if you have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms that comply with Australian Standard 3786:2014, you do not need to upgrade them to comply with the new Australian Standard 3786:2023. Compliance with a standard only becomes a legal requirement when it is referenced in legislation by the Australian government or other regulatory bodies. Fire safety legislation in Queensland (and the rest of the Australia) still reference Australian Standard 3786:2014. The National Construction Code 2022 (only just adopted by states and territories from May 1, 2023) also references Australian Standard 3786:2014. Therefore, legal compliance to Australian Standard 3786:2014 is the prerequisite, and remains unchanged in the eyes of the law.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN quick start video or call us on 0478 596 402 today.

We love talking smoke alarms!

ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005