Smoke Alarm Australian Standard 3786:2014 Is Superseded – What Does New Australian Standard 3786:2023 Mean For Home Owners?

On February 17, 2023, the Standards Australia Committee published a new Australian Standard for smoke alarms, known as Smoke Alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023. This standard replaces the previous version, Australian Standard 3786:2014. The superseding of standards is a common occurrence, as standards are regularly updated and amended over time. In the case of Smoke Alarm Australian Standard 3786, it has undergone multiple iterations since its initial release in 1990. This new standard has been introduced to ensure that Australian homes are equipped with the latest technology and guidelines for fire safety.

Smoke Alarm Australian Standard AS 3786:2023 Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization
Smoke Alarm Australian Standard AS 3786:2023
Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization

Why New Smoke Alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023?

Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Technological Advancements

With the emergence of new smoke alarm technologies and the evolution of existing ones, it was necessary to update the standard to incorporate these changes. This ensures that the smoke alarm Australian standard remains relevant and reflects the current technology available in the Australian market. For example, the new standard now includes provisions for interconnected smoke alarms and their remote control devices.

Safety Considerations

Safety is of utmost importance in the new smoke alarm Australian standard. 3786:2023. As new fire risks are identified and existing ones are better understood, the standard has been updated to address these concerns. This involves providing clearer guidelines for the safe usage of photoelectric smoke alarms and associated testing protocols.

International Harmonization

In a globalized world, harmonizing standards across different countries and regions is key for interoperability and mutual recognition of products. Smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023 has been aligned with the International Standard ISO 12239:2021 for smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light, or ionization.

Feedback And Continuous Improvement

The development of smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023 was an iterative process that took into consideration feedback from users, stakeholders, and experts. Committee members involved in the development included the National Fire Industries Association, Australian Building Codes Board, Property Council of Australia, CSIRO, and the Fire Protection Association Australia.

Intertek SAI Global - photoelectric smoke alarm Australian standard certification

Differences Between AS 3786:2023 And AS 3786:2014 ?

Recognition Of Combination And Multi-Criteria Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

The new smoke alarm Australian standard acknowledges the introduction of smoke alarms that combine multiple sensors within a single housing, allowing for enhanced detection capabilities.

Inclusion Of Unrelated Sensors In Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

The new smoke alarm Australian standard references the inclusion of sensors within photoelectric smoke alarms that are unrelated to smoke detection. For example, a smoke alarm could now include a carbon monoxide sensor, creating a dual purpose product that is both a carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm. The new standard also introduces the use of heat alarms.

Additional Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Requirements

The new smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023 introduces new requirements for photoelectric smoke alarms powered by mains household power, temporary disablement facilities, smoke alarms using radio frequency links, and assessment for wall-mounted smoke alarms. The standard also outlines additional information to be included in smoke alarm documentation.

Do I Need To Upgrade My Smoke Alarms Now So They Are

Compliant With Australian Standard 3786:2023?

No, if you have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms that comply with smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2014, you do not need to upgrade them to comply with the new smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2023. Compliance with a standard only becomes a legal requirement when it is referenced in legislation by the Australian government or other regulatory bodies. Fire safety legislation in Queensland (and the rest of the Australia) still reference smoke alarm Australian Standard 3786:2014. The National Construction Code 2022 (only just adopted by states and territories from May 1, 2023) also references Australian Standard 3786. Therefore, legal compliance to Australian Standard 3786:2014 is the current prerequisite, and remains unchanged in the eyes of the law.

Want to know more? Watch our ZEN Smoke Alarm YouTube channel or call us on 0478 596 402 today

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ZEN Photoelectric Smoke Alarms

New Farm, QLD, 4005